The Worst Promotional Products

Not all promotional products are created equally.  Some work better than others, and others not so much.  Sometimes, they just won’t resonate with the end user.  Here are some product categories which would be better to avoid.

Any Religious Artifacts

Unless your company is associated with some type of religion, it’s best to steer clear of religion.  You don’t want to pigeon hole your company or exclude anyone.

Harmful Products

It’s never a good idea for your company to give out a customized corporate gift that can injure someone.  It leaves a bad impression and that’s definitely not something you want to be associated with.

Anything Related to Politics

We all know how much of a debate that politics can cause.  You don’t want to offend anyone or have anyone be thinking thoughts about your company that simply aren’t true, or that could leave a bad taste in someones mouth.

Items that Stray From Branding

You always want to make sure that the promotional product is something that is inline with your brand image.  You want it to be something that represents the company and what it stands for.  There is no reason that it should be anything other than what you want your company to represent.  It confuses customers and isn’t a good idea for branding purposes.

Regardless of what you choose for your giveaway items, it’s best to stay away from these items.  With so many unique and fun promotional products on the market today, it’s simply not worth it to choose something from one of these categories.

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