Create Buzz With a “Weird” Promotional Product

Ever wonder what it is that gets people talking?  One method is to be weird.  Think Lady Gaga.  She got a lot of attention and fame from getting people to talk about whatever weird outfit she was wearing or crazy performance she put on.  There’s no reason your business can’t follow the same marketing model.

When at a trade show or similar event, giving out a unique promotional product is sure to create a buzz.  It will get people talking and give something for people to remember you by.  It’s an easy way to make your brand stand out.

So what are some products we recommend?  Maybe our Seeded Paper Bottle Necker, or a Grow Your Own Kit, maybe an Oval Panel Rain Cone, or a Water Powered Calculator.

Whatever it is that you need to stand out from the crowd, check out Big Apple Promos for all your promotional products needs.

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