Big Apple Promos: Stand Out!

An Unlikely Promotional Products Method

While we know how effective promotional products can be, there are certain ways and distribution methods that help to make it more effective.  Getting your company to stand out is all about doing the unconventional.  You have to target people in ways that they won’t automatically tune you out.

A way to accomplish this is a blast from the past – direct mail.  Sending people a hand written note or a small package in the mail is sure to get them thinking.  It’s not often that a company, or even a friend or family member will send them something in the mail.  Having them receive a promotional product or corporate gift is just another bonus.  Whatever the reason for sending, it’s sure to be a hit.

For all your promotional products needs, please visit

Using your Website to Help with Product Sales

So now that you know how to use a product to help with website visits, how do you use your website to help with product sales?  It’s easy.

A website is the only 24/7 representative of a brand.  When people want to know something, they want to know it immediately and don’t want to wait.  Thats why, you’ve got to use your website to provide any and all information they may need about a product or service directly on it.  You don’t want customers to become frustrated that they cant find what they’re looking for right away and give up on your brand.  If everything on your site is easy to find, it will make for a much more satisfied customer. 

So when giving out promotional products that have your website featured on the label, it’s important to make sure that the website is up to date.  This way, you won’t be distracting the customer and allow them to do exactly what they went to do – purchase your products (hopefully!).

Popular Promotional Items of the Moment

Custom promotional items are great for helping your image and getting people to remember your brand favorably.  One of the rising best corporate gifts actually shouldn’t be a surprise.  It’s golfing products!  Many corporate business men and women enjoy playing golf.  It’s a great networking activity and a great way to impress potential business partners. 

So what better way to let them know you are thoughtful and thinking of them than with a golf promotional item.  These can be in the form of a polo, umbrella, golf pencils, golf balls, golf towels, you name it!  Customers are sure to appreciate the gesture.  People love gifts, so when it’s time for you to give out corporate gifts, remember that if you want to make a lasting impression and show people how thoughtful your company can be, going with a golf inspired promotional item is a good way to go.

Visit for all your promotional products needs.

Using Promotional Products to Increase Website Hits

Many people only see using promotional items as either a giveaway item or the equivalent of a business card.  They are generally used at trade shows and other events where it helps to make a lasting impression. 

If you’re trying to use promotional items as a way to leverage your website, it certainly can be done.  You just have to think of a reason for people to want to visit your site. 

One technique that always captures peoples attention is saving money.  People will be much more inclined to visit your site if you include a promotional code or some other type of coupon directly on your promotional product that can only be used on your website.  Nevertheless, it’s sure to make people interested, and be much more willing to check out the site.

And coupons aren’t the only method.  You have to think about what your desired target customer will find valuable.  Maybe it can be a blog post or any other type of useful information.  It’s different for every market and every target customer, but once you find your nice, it can be easy to come up with enticing things to add to your website and promote through promotional items.

Show Some Personality with Promotional Products

When a company is relatable, it makes it that much more likely that people will become customers.  Having a friendly air to the company makes it so that people can relate to the brand and realize it’s not just a large corporation with no soul.  It’s good to show people that you do in deed have a soul.  People will see your brand in a more favorable light.

So when choosing promotional products or corporate gifts, pick an item that shows a little personality.  Don’t be afraid to go out of the box with your ideas.  Something that represents what your company stands for will got a lot further than something that every other company sells.

Featured Product: 24 Oz. Color-Changing Water Bottle

For these water bottles, when adding cold water, the bottle instantly changes color.  It’s a great corporate gift for athletes, exercise enthusiasts, or anyone who likes to drink water (that may be a lot of people)!  It’s different from just a typical water bottle.  It’s a cool conversation starter and is definitely a promotional product that people will actually want to keep.  Check it out here 

Why Stress Balls are So Popular

If you’re a business person, you’ve probably got a few random stress balls laying around somewhere.  So why does it seem that almost every company gives them away?  There’s a reason it’s considered one of the best corporate gifts around.  It actually works.

There have been scientific studies that prove that when you squeeze a stress ball, it actually does release stress because any anxiety or stress is redirected to the ball.  Squeezing it becomes a repetitive movement and you’re able to subconsciously do the movement, which means it’s an easy way for stress relief.

So next time you receive a stress ball as a custom corporate gift, maybe you should think twice about whether or not to throw it away.  It could come in handy in a time where you least expect it to!

The Worst Promotional Products

Not all promotional products are created equally.  Some work better than others, and others not so much.  Sometimes, they just won’t resonate with the end user.  Here are some product categories which would be better to avoid.

Any Religious Artifacts

Unless your company is associated with some type of religion, it’s best to steer clear of religion.  You don’t want to pigeon hole your company or exclude anyone.

Harmful Products

It’s never a good idea for your company to give out a customized corporate gift that can injure someone.  It leaves a bad impression and that’s definitely not something you want to be associated with.

Anything Related to Politics

We all know how much of a debate that politics can cause.  You don’t want to offend anyone or have anyone be thinking thoughts about your company that simply aren’t true, or that could leave a bad taste in someones mouth.

Items that Stray From Branding

You always want to make sure that the promotional product is something that is inline with your brand image.  You want it to be something that represents the company and what it stands for.  There is no reason that it should be anything other than what you want your company to represent.  It confuses customers and isn’t a good idea for branding purposes.

Regardless of what you choose for your giveaway items, it’s best to stay away from these items.  With so many unique and fun promotional products on the market today, it’s simply not worth it to choose something from one of these categories.

Create Buzz With a “Weird” Promotional Product

Ever wonder what it is that gets people talking?  One method is to be weird.  Think Lady Gaga.  She got a lot of attention and fame from getting people to talk about whatever weird outfit she was wearing or crazy performance she put on.  There’s no reason your business can’t follow the same marketing model.

When at a trade show or similar event, giving out a unique promotional product is sure to create a buzz.  It will get people talking and give something for people to remember you by.  It’s an easy way to make your brand stand out.

So what are some products we recommend?  Maybe our Seeded Paper Bottle Necker, or a Grow Your Own Kit, maybe an Oval Panel Rain Cone, or a Water Powered Calculator.

Whatever it is that you need to stand out from the crowd, check out Big Apple Promos for all your promotional products needs.

Featured Brands

Today, we’d like to take some time to highlight some brands we have which we believe to be superior in their class.  We strive to offer you the best variety to fulfill all your promotional product’s needs.  Some of our top high end brands include Bobble, Brookstone, Callaway, Cross, Cutter & Buck, Nike, London Fog, and dozens of others.  Shop our brand name & high end products category today for the finest promotional products.

If you’re looking for something to fulfill your company needs, visit Big Apple Promos website at

Featured image: Nike Sport Duffle 2